Saturday, 7 March 2015

Daylight Saving Time: Negligible Energy Savings, Possibly Deadly?

If you happen to live in Hawaii, Arizona (mostly) Saskatchewan (and bits of other Canadian provinces), or the Midway Atoll of the North Pacific — well, congratulations. You will not be subjected this weekend to the much-maligned, poorly understood ritual obligation of turning your clock ahead one hour, in observance of Daylight Saving Time.

For most of the rest of the North America, as of Sunday you’ll be doing your part, ostensibly, to save the nationenergy. In return, your evenings will be a bit brighter, the mornings a bit darker, and if you’re like me, your overall schedule will be a bit disorienting — at least until you adjust.

You’ll then need to move the clocks back again on Nov. 1, of course.

Whether or not this practice actually saves any energy — or has any ancillary social impacts, negative or positive — has been hotly debated and regularly researched over the years, often with conflicting results. Most recently, a 2014 study published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, seemed to corroborate what a number of other studies have already found: Daylight Saving Time, or DST, might do precious little to save energy, and may evenincrease energy consumption on the whole.

Meanwhile, other studies have suggested links between DST and a variety of disturbing social outcomes, including increases in heart attacks and upticks in criminal behavior. And these, in turn, have given rise to a cottage industry inpetitions and grassroots movements aimed at ending the biannual tyranny of clock-setting.

“Time to put an end to this madness,” one allied Facebook page declares. “It’s the shifting back and forth that makes people crazy. If we are saving energy, let’s go year round with Daylight Saving Time. If we are not saving energy let’s drop Daylight Saving Time.”

Such efforts run counter to the tides of history.
Senate Sergeant at Arms Charles Higgins turns forward the Ohio Clock for the first Daylight Saving Time. (Photo: Senate Historical Office)

Calibrating collective activity to the cycles of the Sun is obviously an ancient practice. And as the good folks point out, more modern proposals to nudge clocks to and fro at certain times of year date back at least to the era of Benjamin Franklin, who suggested in 1784 — satirically — that Parisians could save on the expense of candles if they were forced out of bed when the sun came up, and if taxes were imposed on window shutters.

More serious proposals — and piecemeal implementation — percolated regularly thereafter, reaching a crescendo in the United States amid the oil crisis of the early 1970′s, when it was proposed that extending daylight more fully into the evening would help to conserve energy.

The times and places where the practice unfolds has been refined and tweaked repeatedly ever since, most recently by Congress as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. That legislation extended the daylight savings period by several weeks, forcing Americans to push their clocks forward many weeks earlier in the spring, and then setting them back a week later in the fall. The change was implemented in 2007, and the bill required the Department of Energy, within 9 months of the switch, to issue a report to Congress “on the impact … on energy consumption in the United States.”

That study landed in October, 2008, and it concluded that the extended DST resulted in about 1.3 Terawatt-hours of electricity savings — or about one-third of one percent of total electricity consumption over the course of a year.

Whether or not that makes DST a worthwhile exercise depends on your point of view, though it’s worth noting that the savings are significantly less than what models and projected analyses typically suggest should be the case. An Australian study from 2008, using observed data, found no energy savings, and perhaps a slight increase in energy use. A more recent analysis of energy use in Indiana, which adopted DST statewide in 2006, showed a full one-percent increase in energy usage.

The analysis published in November, undertaken jointly by Precision HealthEconomics of San Francisco and the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota, tried to parse these sorts of trends. Using data from the American Time Use Survey, which is administered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and seeks to measure the amount of time people spend doing various activities — paid work, childcare, volunteering, socializing — the researchers attempted to discern “the extent to which the time of sunrise and sunset affects daily behavior versus the extent to which individual behavior simply follows the clock.”

Overall, the analysis showed that the Daylight Saving Time shift prompted people to get up earlier in the morning, sleep about 20 minutes less each night, and to spend additional “awake time” doing chores at home in the early hours — particularly in the spring. Given that nearly 40 percent of electricity consumption is attributed to residential use, the researchers postulate that this could account for the negligible, or even counterproductive, impacts of DST that many other studies have found. While DST was also associated with people reporting less time at home in the evenings, the researchers concluded that it did not outweigh the increases in morning energy demands.

This makes some intuitive sense.

As the study indicates, DST effectively causes the sun to rise one hour later. Mornings, for the most part, are then darker and cooler than they would have been if the clocks had not been adjusted. “During the cooler months in the spring and fall especially, this may cause individuals to use more lighting and heating electricity regardless of behavioral/time-use adjustments,” the researchers noted. “Similarly, DST will cause the late afternoons and early evenings to be warmer and brighter. This should reduce lighting and electricity use, but will likely lead to increased air conditioning use, making it hard to establish the true effect on afternoon/evening energy demand.”

This would all vary a good deal with geography, of course, and the researchers suggest that a more fine-tuned analysis might find benefits of DST in some parts of the country, while proving counterproductive in others. In the aggregate, however, their conclusion was clear: “We find cautious evidence that individuals are shifting potentially energy intensive activities earlier in the day, which is consistent with earlier findings of increased energy usage.”

Whether or not that’s enough to seriously question the value of Daylight Saving Time remains very much an open question. But critics of DST also argue that most energy-use analyses fail to account for a variety of potential costs associated with routine time changes. These would include everything from impacts on human health and crime rates to the costs of adjusting mass transit schedules, hindering agricultural work, and, well, putting a large segment of the population into a foul mood.

Add another to that list: Traffic accidents.

A study out of the University of Colorado in October, titled “Spring Forward at Your Own Risk,” suggested a strong association between the reduced sleep and reallocated daylight of DST and fatal car accidents. “The increased risk persists for the first six days of DST,” the author states, “causing a total of 302 deaths at a social cost of $2.75 billion over the 10-year sample period.”

Daylight Saving is scheduled to begin at 2:00 a.m. this Sunday for most of the United States. Try to go easy on the electricity — and be careful out there.

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