“Finding Dory” is a sequel to 2003’s “Finding Nemo.” Now, 12 years after the world was introduced to a jumpy clown fish and his rebellious son, Pixar has decided to place their focus on the forgetful blue tang fish.
KPopStarz says that the upcoming Pixar animated film will be out in theaters by 2016. And, according to the report, famous talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres will be lending her voice for Dory once again. She will be joined by Willem Dafoe, Idris Elba, Albert Brooks, Dominic West, and Ty Burrell.
Cinema Blend says that the blonde comedienne had actually already signed on for the film back in August of 2012. Now, three years after the signing, her fans, as well as the fans of this Pixar franchise, are hopeful that she was able to contribute a lot of new jokes and funny concepts to make her return to Pixar more memorable.
Moreover, it would appear that DeGeneres has actually been giving the public a lot of hints regarding the sequel. “I have waited for this day for a long, long, long, long, long time,” she said on her talk show, “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” “I’m not mad it took this long. I know the people at Pixar were busy creating ‘Toy Story 16.’”
“The time they took was worth it,” she added. “The script is fantastic. And, it has everything I loved about the first one. It’s got a lot of heart. It’s really funny. And, the best part is it’s got a lot more Dory.”
The other actors who will also be featured in the upcoming “Finding Dory” have also confirmed their participation. “We’re both in the sequel to ‘Finding Nemo,’” West told Movie Fone, referring to his “The Wire” co-actor, Elba. “So, we’re recording that. I’m in pretty regular contact with a lot of guys from ‘The Wire’ – a lot of them are godparents to my kids. So, I love them dearly.”
Brooks, as mentioned, will be back in the film to lend his voice for Marlin. Even though “Finding Dory” will clearly have its focus on the amnesic fish, it will be lacking if it did not feature Marlin. However, rumor has it that he will not be staying around for the whole duration of the film.
Andrew Stanton, the director of “Finding Nemo,” will also be returning to the Director’s seat for “Finding Dory.” This is very good news, considering that he is one of the people who knows Dory best. Moreover, he is also reportedly one of the original Pixar masterminds who had his fingerprints all over the classic animated masterpieces, including “WALL-E.”
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